
The "ECO - Tourism" loan is a green loan developed by DCB Green Doscredobank and aimed at developing the tourism sector in our country and introducing energy and resource efficient technologies in the local tourism business. This type of green loan are intended for individual entrepreneurs engaged in tourism and hotel services, as well as legal entities - cafes, restaurants, hotels, guest houses, yurt camps, sanatoriums and health resorts. 

The "ECO - Tourism" loan is available for the following purposes:
1. insulation of buildings to reduce heating and cooling costs;
2. implementation of green and renewable energy technologies;
3. water-saving technologies: installation of drip irrigation systems, waste treatment facilities and rainwater harvesting;
4. improvement of heating, cooling and ventilation systems;
5. introduction of energy efficient lighting;
6. installation and operation of energy-efficient and water-saving equipment;
7. purchase of waste sorting bins and purchase of a press-packing machine for used plastic and other energy and resource conservation activities.

up to 150,000 soms - 27%
from 150,001 soms to 500 000 soms - 24%
from 500 001 soms to 1,000,000 soms - 22%
from 1,000,0001 soms 12, 000,000 soms - 20%

Effective % rate: from 21.97%

Responsibility bonus: Doscredobank borrowers who repay the "ECO-Tourism" loan on time and in full are entitled to 10% cashback.

31 May 2024

«Дос -Кредобанк» ААК жашыл облигациялар боюнча төртүнчү пайыздык мезгил боюнча кирешелерди төлөө жөнүндө маалымдайт

«Дос -Кредобанк» ААК жашыл облигациялар боюнча төртүнчү пайыздык мезгил боюнча кирешелерди төлөө жөнүндө маалымдайт

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23 May 2024

ЭКОДОМ жылдык 20% дан баштап


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28 February 2024

ESG: трендден дагы көбурөөк

Башкармалыктын Төрагасы-Эшбердиев Чолпон Менен Маек

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01 November 2023

Doscredobank жана MoveGreen

Абанын сапатына чогуу кам көрөбүз!

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26 July 2023

Doscredobank завершил размещение дебютного выпуска Зеленых облигаций

в объёме 85 млн.сомов

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29 June 2023

70% of Doscredobank's green bonds have already been placed in five days

Great news that shows high interest in sustainable investment

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08 June 2023

Doscredobank received Green Finance Awards TM

For the victory in the nomination "Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Green Finance"

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06 June 2023

Debut issue of green bonds

Invest in the green future of Kyrgyzstan

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19 May 2023

Doscredobank took part in the Green Waste Leaders solemn event

«Green Waste Leaders»

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07 March 2023

Бүгүн Doscredobank’тын башкы кеңсесинде Жашыл климаттык фонддун өкүлдөрү менен жолугушуу өттү.

Бүгүн Doscredobank’тын башкы кеңсесинде Жашыл климаттык фонддун өкүлдөрү менен жолугушуу өттү. Анда кызматташуунун келечеги, биргелешкен долбоорлорду ишке ашыруу этаптары жана туруктуу өнүктүрүү боюнча иш-чаралар тууралуу сүйлөшүүлөр болду

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