04 October 2022 17:10

Ethno-loan with 10% cashback!

Ethno-loan for entrepreneurs who produce and sell national products, as well as for teachers who teach national crafts and for those who want to renovate premises in an ethnic style.

Ethno-loan is issued for:

- development of the existing business related to the production and sale of national products/ethnic design and national souvenirs;

-development of existing business related to the training of national handicrafts, training of national musical instruments, national dances and other types of training related to national and cultural development;

- reconstruction and renovation of premises in ethnic style;

- purchase of consumer goods in ethnic style;

- other ethno-cultural goals.

Loan terms:

- over 1 million - 20% p.a.

- up to 1 million. - 22% p.a.

*Cashback payment terms:

- No payment arrears of loan;

- intended use of loan funds

- no breach of other terms of the loan agreement

* Effective interest rate: KGS - up to KGS 1M - 22% p.a., annual effective interest rate 25.25% (up to 3 years), over KGS 1M - 20% p.a., annual effective interest rate 22.50% (up to 5 years)

Attention! The effective annual interest rate is calculated on a case-by-case basis. Consult with the Bank’s loan officer.

Call center: 8686 (call from a mobile is free)