Loan specialists (trainees) in the Lending Department of SB Belovodskoe and SB Kara-Balta
Chuy, Bishkek
Osh, Osh
Naryn, Naryn
Chuy, Tokmok
Issyk-Kul, Balykchi
Issyk-Kul, Karakol
Jalal-Abad, Jalalabad
Chuy, Karabalta
Talas, Talas
Batken, Batken
Issyk-Kul, Cholpon-Ata

Doscredobank is pleased to invite loan specialists (trainees) to its team at the Lending Department of IC Belovodskoye and IC Kara-Balta.


  • complete/incomplete higher education
  • ability to learn quickly
  • analytical thinking

Submit your resume, we'd love to hear from you!